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community-led homes in the heart of the town

We will build quality homes to Passivhaus standards at cost price for local people, ecologically made and mutually owned.


Space for Ethical businesses and social enterprises

We will build quality, affordable work-space for local ethical businesses and social enterprises to promote community economic development and a circular economy.

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urban mobility

We will select sites that are close to shops, doctors and schools to encourage daily walking & cycling, improving the health of residents.

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Car sharing culture

We will provide electric vehicle sharing facilities for resident members for longer journey to discourage individual car ownership and reduce air pollution locally. Eventually autonomous vehicles will allow some roads to be converted to green space.


Inclusive of the whole town

We will build inspiring public and community space to encourage interaction across every generation and reducing loneliness and social isolation. We will hold regular public events for people to celebrate life together and be inspired by local artists, poets, speakers and musicians.


Community Owned Energy

We will Integrate community-owned renewable energy generation and energy efficient buildings. We want to ensure the income generated from energy use is kept local. Partnering with organisations like Fal Energy partnership we hope to 100% powered by solar PV and kept warm via ground-source heat district network.


make space for nature

We will design regenerative environments that increase biodiversity and sequester carbon. If Buildings are part of any solution, will utilize roof space for growing and providing habitats for wildlife.

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Use water wisely

We will use ‘Blue’ roof systems to slow surface water run off and help prevent flooding and integrate sustainable drainage systems into the landscape. We will install water saving facilities and use rainwater for flushing toilets and watering gardens too .


Grow organic food

We will create shared organic growing spaces and celebrate life together with good food. We want to encourage a culture where we are more connected with our food supply chain and when we have to buy, we will do it collectively to reduce cost without compromising quality.